Friday, April 25, 2008


1 New Message
Ira Indriasari

"A Aldi, jadi pulang ga?"

1 New Message
Muhammad Irham

"A aldy, pulang jam berapa?"

MSN chat

"ga kemana2 fan?"
"ntar abis shalat jumat"
Me (sok baek)
"mau kemana?"
"ada deeh"

aaah, the reason why i miss my home. To kick my brother's butt, hahaha... I know that you miss me too fan, deep down in your heart, i know... hehhehe...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


"A man with a half volition goes backwards and forwards, and makes no way on the smoothest road; a man with a whole volition advances on the roughest, and will reach his purpose, if there be even a little worthiness in it." -
Thomas Carlyle, Scottish Satirist.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


For Beatles, happiness is a warm gun.

As for me, happiness is a facial expression of a child, smiling and running through the puddle of mud.

Happiness (in disguise) is when you see a father let go his only daughter taken by someone else. Because he knows, his daughter is in a good hand.

Happiness is the kind of expression given by the army man when he got home to meet his wife and child.

Happiness is when you know that someone will be there for you, through your good times and bad times.

Happiness is when you finally can let go someone/something that you love the most, without hesitate.

Happiness is when you see a peddler got the first customer.

Happiness is when you see the angkot driver counting every penny of his bloods and tears, with a big smile at the end of the day.

Happiness is when you try your best at something. And not regret it.

Happiness is a feeling that you can’t explain.




Hope I live my life through a lot of happiness. And for all of you, i wish you a lot of happiness.
